
Tuesday 17 February 2015

An asteroid, a plague and a nuclear war: Scientists present - this is what will bring an end to mankind

An asteroid, a plague and a nuclear war: Scientists present - this is what will bring an end to mankind

From climate change, through a catastrophic volcanic eruption and the rise of a central world government: specialists from Oxford University conducted a study in partnership with foundations and organizations that focus on the future of humanity. They concluded that these are the major threats to mankind.

What will bring to the end of the world?
What will bring to the end of the world? Channel 2 News
Oxford University scientists recently completed a study which concluded the "scientific assessments regarding the end of the world”. The study was based on information found by the "Global Challenges Foundation" and “Future of Humanity Institute”. The researchers have worked out a list of the 12 most likely ways the human race will be exterminated.
"This study provides us with a better understanding of the degree and size of the challenges we face," the experts explained. "This could help the world deal with the risks it is facing. It may pave the way towards a more sustainable development. Moreover, this is a call to action based on the assessment that humanity may face these challenges but can also make these challenges an opportunity."
Extreme climate change: Experts ascribe a high importance to the possibility that weather-related changes may eventually result in a disaster. This is considered by researchers as the one crisis which humankind has the most practical ability to prevent. Scientists also warn that the impact of climate change could be much worse in poor countries whereas mass starvation, death and migration can lead to huge instability across the globe.
A nuclear war: less likely but still possible
A nuclear war: less likely but still possible AP/Channel 2 news
Nuclear War: Despite the end of the Cold War, several countries, including the U.S. and Russia maintain large stockpiles of missiles armed with hugely destructive hydrogen bombs. The researchers also admit that the possibility of a future nuclear war which will bring an end to mankind is less likely in comparison to the previous century. Nevertheless, they do not believe the risk has been completely removed.
Global epidemic: The researchers explained that there are reasons to be concerned about the probability of an outbreak of a global epidemic due to extremely devastating diseases already existing in nature. "The ability of health systems to respond to global epidemics is an important factor in preventing a disaster," the researchers say.
Large asteroid impact: It is estimated that a collision between planet Earth and an asteroid with a diameter bigger than 5 km is expected to lead to the destruction of an area equal to the size of the Netherlands. The researchers warn that such events occur once in 20 years. Researchers believe the main destruction will not occur from the initial impact, but from the clouds of dust that would damage the biosphere. The latter may affect the climate, damage the biosphere and the food supply and produce political instability. 
"The potential damage is comparable to the effect of a nuclear war"Reuters/Channel 2 News
Volcanic eruption: Similar to the asteroid's impact, an enormous volcanic eruption could lead to aerosols and dust being released into the upper atmosphere. As a result, the sun’s rays would be absorbed by the dust and a global volcanic winter would occur. "The potential damage is comparable to the effect of a nuclear war," the study's authors claim.
Ecological disaster: If the ecosystem suffers radical and permanent damage the capacity for Earth to harbor life will diminish and mass extinction will occur. Humans only needs to take a look at the increasing extinction rates of other species to get an idea of the risk they face. 
Global system collapse: Researchers suggest this would occur following a major economic or social collapse, on a global scale. The political and economic systems in our complex world with many objectives and many links between them can cause unexpected systemic failures. A collapse in these systems would lead to social chaos, civil unrest and a breakdown of law and order. 
Synthetic biology: Scientists are concerned that someone could intentionally create an "engineered pathogen"  which could wipe out the human race,  either through biowarfare or bioterrorism, resulting in a disaster to the human race.
Will the computer be the new master?
Will the computer be the new master? AP/Channel 2 News
Nanotechnology: The researchers are aware of the fact that nanotechnology has a high potential of offering solutions to many of the problems currently plaguing the world, but it can also be devastating if it falls into the wrong hands. Nanotechnology could lead to a relatively easy construction of large stockpiles of conventional or atomic weapons.
 Artificial Intelligence: Scientists believe that it is would be difficult to control extreme artificial intelligence systems. If machines develop extreme levels of intelligence they could be driven to create a world without humans. Artificial intelligence can ease the confrontation with many of the other risks facing humanity but there is also the danger that your computer will become the new master, the researchers explained. 
Future global governance: The researchers explained that there is a possibility that many disasters could occur as a result of a single, central world power. A central world government would be able to deal more effectively with certain global problems, but on the other hand, the action of one body which has no monitoring or opposition may leas to disastrous outcomes. 
Unknown consequences: Researchers warn against “unknown scenarios" that may affect the future of mankind. Moreover, Scientists argue that there is a need to  examine what is known and unknown in a more extensive study in order to find out what factors combined can increase the exposure of threats to humans.

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