
Wednesday 24 December 2014

MY TAKE ON THIS: Why I feel sorry for new TPDC boss

MY TAKE ON THIS: Why I feel sorry for new TPDC boss

His CV speaks volumes. Many people who read his resume when President Jakaya Kikwete announced that he has appointed Dr James Mataragio to become the new director general for Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation (TPDC) agreed that the post has got a competent person. There is no doubt about that.
The fact that a big multinational company in the name of Bell Geospace, based in Houston, US, has trusted this man to work in one of its departments, is  testimony to the competency of this Tanzanian.
The fact that Dr Mataragio has been, free of charge, advising the government on the area of oil and gas shows that he is a Tanzanian who loves his country. There is no doubt that Dr Mataragio will come back and dedicate his time and professionalism to serve his country. But, will the country allow him space to work professionally?
Dr Mataragio will not be the first able and competent Tanzanian to leave his lucrative employment abroad and come home to serve his country.  But I am also sure that if we continue running our affairs the way we have been doing, Dr Mataragio will not be the last professional to be frustrated by the way things are run in Tanzania.
When Dr Mataragio’s appointment was announced, I recalled a number of names of people who were doing better elsewhere but were failed when they decided to come back home and dedicate their energy for their country.
And this is not in the technocrats level only. We have such examples even at the upper executive levels. Before he became an MP and minister, Lawrence Masha was among Tanzanians who had done wonders in the US. But he did not last when he was appointed a minister. Prof Sospeter Muhongo is a worldly renowned geologist. He is known all over the world for his acumen in the area. But look at what has happened to him when he accepted a post in President Kikwete’s Cabinet. Prof Anna Tibaijuka is known all over the world for what she did when serving at UN Habitat. But today Prof Tibaijuka is traversing conference rooms addressing reporters in a bid to exonerate herself from a scandal.
 Dr Asha Rose Migiro has not entered the black books yet but I can bet that it is just a matter of time before we start reading her name all for the wrong reasons. I think she has survived this far because she has decided to keep low profile on what she does. Besides, she is not heading one of controversial ministries. All these people did not fail because they are incompetent.
And Dr Mataragio has been handed a public corporation which is in the limelight. Gas is not only the talk of the country, it is a global agenda. He will soon become a centre of attention.
It is just a matter of time before Dr Mataragio finds himself in a  quagmire with global and local forces pulling and pushing. Unfortunately, given our governance and administration systems, these forces are all but politics. 
Soon Dr Mataragio will find himself in an awkward position as he will be compelled to make decisions basing on what politics wants and what his profession requires him to act. If Dr Mataragio believes that he will be a man in charge of TPDC, he will soon realise that there are other forces which call the shots at the corporation.
My problem now is how soon are we going to hear and read about Dr Mataragio’s incompetence? That is why I feel sorry for him.

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